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High School Equivalency (HSE) Testing Services

The High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma is a gateway for adults to find their way to better paying jobs and higher education. Millions of adults have earned their HSE, which is accepted at all community colleges and most universities. A recent study showed that a high school dropout who obtains the HSE diploma could see an income rise of 43 percent. The HSE becomes even more profitable when the student goes on to college. The average income for college graduates is $44,000, more than double the income of people who haven’t graduated high school.

HSE Testing Services

The North Carolina Community College System has approved the following High School Equivalency (HSE) tests: GED and HiSET. Upon successful completion of a HSE test, the student will receive a High School Equivalency Diploma from North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges. A graduation ceremony is held annually for the Adult High School and HSE Diploma graduates.

  • GED tests are $26 per test (4 tests) or approximately $104
  • HiSET tests are $15 per test (5 tests) or approximately $75.

Eligible students may receive assistance with testing fees.

Requirements to enter the HSE Program

  • Attend and complete an assessment/orientation session.
  • Minors 16 and 17 years of age must submit additional forms and information.

Three Steps to Get Started

Getting Started

For More Information

Nicole Worley 
Dean of Adult Education
(910) 410-1863

Si require atención en Español llame al número (910) 410-1784.

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