Next Steps
Richmond Community College offers Next Steps, a career-focused, tuition-free adult basic education class for adults with beginning-level literacy and numeracy skills, including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), who have the goal of preparing for and obtaining employment. Placement will be based on eligibility, assessment results, and individual goals.
To Be Eligible
To qualify for Next Steps, individuals must:
- Be 18 years or older.
- Obtain a valid score on an NRS-approved assessment.
- Be able to arrange transportation to and from campus.
- Agree to enrollment criteria, attendance and conduct policies.
Steps to Completion
Step 1: Schedule an Individual Intake Session Incoming students will first meet with college staff to:
- Complete an application and agree to enrollment criteria.
- Discuss educational and career goals for attending Next Steps.
- Learn about student rights and responsibilities.
- Complete an initial assessment in reading to confirm Next Steps placement.
Step 2: Enroll in a Next Steps class for a minimum of 60 hours with regular attendance and maximum of two years.
- Contextualized reading and math instruction
- Career exploration
- Digital literacy
- Inclusive campus participation
- Opportunity to complete personalized goal plan with the Access to Achievement Advisor
- Referral to EIPD (formerly Vocational Rehabilitation), if applicable
Step 3: Transition from Next Steps to fully inclusive career training program or college classes as determined by personal goal plan by working with Access to Achievement Advisor.
- Interviewing and resume building skills
- Attending job fairs
- Potential apprenticeship or internship opportunities
- Plus, the opportunity for certifications and micro-credentials in Hospitality, Retail, Healthcare, Early Childhood Education, etc.
Individualized Structure
Our program structure is designed with your success in mind. It is individualized to accommodate each student's unique journey where they progress at their own pace.
Guidance for Student Supports
Parents, guardians and community partners play a crucial role in our Next Steps program, supporting individuals with IDD as they navigate their journey toward their educational goals. Your involvement helps ensure their success by providing encouragement, understanding, and hands-on support. While we encourage active participation, please note that our program is designed to empower participants to take the lead in their future goals, fostering independence and self-advocacy. Please click the link below for a guide about the differences between high school and college.
Apply Today
For More Information
Nicole Worley
Dean of Adult Education
(910) 410-1863
Faith Norton
Access to Achievement Advisor
(910) 410-1773