Academic Advising at Richmond Community College
Our faculty and staff are passionate about seeing students succeed in their education and career, and we do our best to steer them in the right direction with successful academic advising practices.
The advising process only works when both parties involved are engaged and contributing. With this in mind, we ask that students:
Actively participate in the advising relationship.
- Respond to advisor outreach and be upfront about perceived obstacles to your success.
- Proactively research and plan ways to reach your academic goals, and be open to sharing those goals with your advisors.
- Be open to discussing how to research answers to your questions with advisors to learn ways to find information on your own.
Make sure you’re familiar with your specific program or course schedule and what classes you will need to graduate before meeting with your advisor.
Commonly Asked Questions About Advising at RichmondCC
Who Is My RichmondCC Advisor?
Your academic advisor’s name and contact information is listed on your acceptance letter. You can also find your academic advisor in Self Service.
I No Longer Have My Acceptance Letter. How Do I Contact My Advisor?
Students can find their advisor’s contact information in Self-Service.
- Go to "Student Planning."
- Click on "Plan and Schedule."
- Click on "Advising."
- Your advisor's name will appear, and you can send him or her a message.
How Do I Make An Appointment To Be Advised?
Contact your advisor via email, phone, or in person. RichmondCC Directory
What Should I Do If My Advisor and I have Different Schedules and Cannot Meet?
You may visit the Career and Transfer Advising Center located in Student Services (Hamlet Campus - Lee Building; Scotland County Campus - Honeycutt Center). Any advisor will be able to assist you. Walk-ins are welcome.
How Are Advisors Assigned to Students?
Once a student is admitted to RichmondCC, an advisor is assigned according to their corresponding academic program.
What Do I Do If I Can’t Meet With My Advisor on Campus?
RichmondCC understands that all students will not be able to physically come to campus and meet with their advisor. Therefore, the College allows for students to be advised via email, text and virtual meeting.
Does RichmondCC Have Summer Advising?
During the fall and spring semesters, all advisors are on campus and will be available to assist you with your academic program planning. If you are in an applied science program and need to meet with an advisor during the summer semester, you may contact him or her directly via email. For immediate assistance, you may contact or visit the Career and Transfer Advising Center. Any advisor will be able to assist you.