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Richmond Community College Directory

If you need contact information for a member of our Richmond Community College faculty or staff, then you can look through our directory. Contact us online if you have problems finding someone or need assistance. You can also schedule a visit to learn more about our programs and services.

Dr. Dale McInnis
Photo of Amanda McKenzie
Human Services Program Coordinator
Lori McLaughlin
Office Administration Program Coordinator
image of Alanna Meares
Director of Small Business & Entrepreneurial Services
no image
Adult Education and Automotive Instructor
Brandi Miller Photo
Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
Picture of Heath Milligan
Accreditation and Compliance Specialist
Kevin Misenheimer
Program Coordinator of Accounting & Finance
Laura Montrose
Lee Montrose
Chief Information Officer
image of Qunna
Dean of Allied Health and Human Services
Image of Lula Morton
Amanda Motley
Accounting Technician-Payroll
image of Faith Norton
Access to Achievement Advisor


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