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Richmond Community College Directory

If you need contact information for a member of our Richmond Community College faculty or staff, then you can look through our directory. Contact us online if you have problems finding someone or need assistance. You can also schedule a visit to learn more about our programs and services.

No Image Available
Assistant Registrar
Terry H. Rosberg
Accountability Specialist
Kathleen Rozanski
American Sign Language Instructor
Adult Education Instructor
No Image Available
Photo of Robert Rutherford
HVAC and Maintenance
Jamie Sadler
English Instructor
image of eddie
Maintenance Supervisor
Image of Jamison Sears
911 Communications & Operations Program Coordinator
Crystal Shaw headshot
Evening Counselor
Crystal Shepard
Financial Aid Specialist/VA Certifying Official
Photo of Hal Shuler
Associate Vice President of Development
Career Coach
Image of Ashley Sligh
Assistant Registrar
Leslie Smith
Math Instructor


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