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Richmond Community College Directory

If you need contact information for a member of our Richmond Community College faculty or staff, then you can look through our directory. Contact us online if you have problems finding someone or need assistance. You can also schedule a visit to learn more about our programs and services.

Photo of Daniela Lemenny
Engineering Instructor
Image of Tammy Little
Student Services Support Specialist
SheVonne Lockhart
Academic Success Center Day Coordinator
no image
Assistant Cafe Manager
Myra Locklear
Scotland County Facilities Coordinator
Photo of Quentin Locklear
Biology Instructor
Image of tim locklear
EMS Instructor & Clinical Coordinator
Mitchell Lowery
Computer Integrated Machining Instructor
RichmondCC K-12 Liaison
Scotty Mabe
Facilities Services
No Image Available
Administrative Assistant to the Executive VP/CFO
image of Kevin Ma
Maintenance Technician
Head Groundskeeper
Photo of Justin McDonald
Evening Facility Support Specialist
Photo of Tara McDuffie standing outside the James Building
Adult Basic Education Instructor


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