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Richmond Community College Directory

If you need contact information for a member of our Richmond Community College faculty or staff, then you can look through our directory. Contact us online if you have problems finding someone or need assistance. You can also schedule a visit to learn more about our programs and services.

Lara J. Nosser
Department Chair, English
Information Technology Specialist
Assistant Director of Human Resources
Nikki Page
Continuing Education Program Specialist
Jill Parks
Math Instructor
Kevin Parsons
VP for Instruction
Kim Parsons photo
Business Instructor
Teena Parsons
President's Assistant
Gibby Peele
Industrial Systems Program Coordinator
image of Robert Player
Nursing Instructor
Kay Privette
Nursing Instructor
Dana Quick headshot
Program Coordinator/Director of Nursing
Image of Savannah Quick
CE Programming Specialist
Skylar Ramsay Photo
Coordinator of Career and Transfer Advising Scotland County
Sheila A. Regan
Early Childhood Education Program Chair


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