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Richmond Senior High School

 Dual Enrollment Application

Richmond Senior High School (RSHS) students wishing to enroll in dual enrollment courses at RichmondCC must be a junior or senior and have an unweighted GPA of 2.8. Students must complete the contract and application below. For assistance, please see Career Coach Rhonda Singleton, who is located at the high school.

Instructions for Passwords               How to Check College Schedule and Grades   

 RSHS Eligibility Requirements:                                                                                                                                                                                  

  • Must be a junior or senior.
  • Must have a high school unweighted GPA of 2.8.
  • Must take a minimum of 2 blocks with credit-bearing courses at RSHS each semester.
  • Must meet with high school guidance counselor to ensure college classes fit in high school track.

RSHS Grading Policy:

  • Grades earned at RichmondCC will be included on the high transcript and count as part of the high school GPA.
  • Courses taken outside of the school day or during summer will not be on the high school transcript.
  • College classes can not be dropped on or after the official start date of classes or fail to ever attend the start of class. Both will result in an "F' on the high school transcript.

Fees and Expenses:

  • RichmondCC tuition is waived.
  • RichmondCC covers the cost of college fees.
  • Richmond County Schools covers the cost of textbooks for courses taken during the school year and school day.
  • Textbooks MUST be returned on the last day of each semester or students are charged for the cost of the book.

RSHS Continuation Requirements:

  • Students will not be allowed to take college courses the following semester if any college course grade is below a C or a student is a no show to a course they registered for.

Career Coach at Richmond Senior High School

Richmond Community College provides a Career Coach at the high school to help students plan their next steps after high school, whether they want to pursue short-term career training or a college degree.

Career Coach Rhonda Singleton: (910) 410-1686

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