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Finish Line Grant

What is the Finish Line Grant?

Finish Line Grants are grants of up to $1,000 awarded to community college students who are on the cusp of completing their education or training and are faced with an unanticipated financial hardship that may prevent them from doing so. Too often, financial emergencies — like unexpected healthcare costs, childcare expenses, or car breakdowns — prevent students from completing their programs. Finish Line Grants are awarded to eligible students facing these unforeseen challenges. Grants can be used for course materials, housing, medical needs, dependent care, or other financial hardships that students face through no fault of their own.

Who is eligible for Finish Line Grants?

In order to be eligible for a Finish Line Grant, a student must:

  • Be enrolled in a North Carolina community college in a curriculum program or an eligible workforce continuing education course leading to an industry-recognized credential;
  • Have a Documented Emergency.
  • Be in good academic standing as defined by the community college. Must have a cumulative 2.0 grade point average; and
  • Have completed at least 25% of the degree or credential program (or be enrolled in the courses that will constitute 25% completion).

What is the Finish Line Grants definition of a qualifying emergency?

A Finish Line Grants emergency is defined as: Any unforeseen circumstance that occurs resulting in the potential disruption of a student’s ability to complete a degree/certification.

Apply Today

To apply complete the Finish Line Grant Application and submit to the Financial Aid Office.

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