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Richmond Community College Directory

If you need contact information for a member of our Richmond Community College faculty or staff, then you can look through our directory. Contact us online if you have problems finding someone or need assistance. You can also schedule a visit to learn more about our programs and services.

No Image Available
Nursing Instructor
Kimberly Goard
Department Chair, Humanities and Social Sciences
Birgit Godfrey
PC Technician
IT Instructor
Jenna Graham Photo
Digital Content Manager
Nursing instructor Crystal Greene
Medical Assisting Instructor
image of Leah grooms
Allied Health Program Coordinator
Image of Lee Anne Hanke
Career Coach
Lisa Harrelson
Accounting and Donor Relations Specialist
 Photo of Krystal O. Harris
Early Childhood Instructor
Molly Hayes
Math Instructor
Lia Hinson
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Services
image of frances hodges
Nursing Instructor
Financial Aid Specialist
Julie Hogan
Administrative Assistant for the VP for Instruction


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