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19 RichmondCC Students Prepared to Become RNs

May 11

May 11, 2018 – Nineteen Associate Degree Nursing students of Richmond Community College were officially pinned during the 41st Annual ADN Pinning Ceremony held Thursday evening at the Cole Auditorium.Group photo of the ADN Class of 2018

Dr. Dale McInnis, president of RichmondCC, welcomed everyone to the pinning ceremony and recognized the family and friends of the students who supported them through their journey.

“We know that much of these students’ success is due to the time, love and support that you invested in them, and we thank you for that,” McInnis said.

McInnis also applauded the many supporters, sponsors, stakeholders and partners who play a key role in the success of the nursing program and its students. 

“We thank the hospitals, the agencies and the folks who work with us every day to ensure the quality of instruction for our students is the very finest,” McInnis said.

Guest speaker for the ceremony was RichmondCC Nursing Department Chair Janet Sims, who took over the position last year upon the retirement of Carole Gibson. Sims noted that this was her first time speaking to a group of graduating nurses.

“As I thought about what one topic holds enough importance to share with you for this milestone in your journey, many thoughts crossed my mind,” Sims said. “I looked deep at my own story, each chapter of my professional path and the one thing I hope each chapter reflects is compassion. The compassion I have for others. Therefore, compassion is what I would like to speak to you about tonight.”

Sims said compassion is driven by a deep sense of caring for others and about paying attention to the present moment with a caring attitude.

“As your professional self grows, you will fill the next chapters with many, many firsts within your career. My desire for you is that each of your chapters will be filled with compassion as well. Compassion for your patients, their loved ones, but also your fellow nurses,” Sims said.

Also speaking during the pinning ceremony was ADN Class of 2018 President Stephanie McGee. She talked about the class tradition of creating a team T-shirt with a motto that summarizes their experience in the program.

“As a group, we decided to create a shirt that reads, ‘We Gave Up Our Lives to Learn How to Save Yours,’” McGee said. “In reflection, I now see that we weren’t giving up anything at all. Rather, we were giving of ourselves and our time, while all along gaining a satisfaction that cannot be put into words. These are experiences that have changed us as individuals and lessons that we will remember forever.”

Nursing Awards

Nine awards were presented to students in the class.

  • Amanda Covington received the Harold E. Morrison Compassion and Professionalism Award. Presented by the family of Harold E. Morrison, this award is given to the graduate who demonstrates the highest degree of professionalism while providing compassionate family-centered care.
  • Brooke Sewell received the Hamlet Hospital Alumni Award. Presented by the Hamlet Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association in honor of Dr. William Daniel James, this award goes to the graduate who has shown proficiency in nursing, high professional standards, scholastic achievement, love for humanity, and participation in student activities.
  • Jordan Allison received the Mental Health Nursing Award. Presented by Lloyd and Mary Louise King, this award is given to the graduate who has demonstrated exceptional skills in promoting emotional, psychological, and social wellness to clients across the lifespan.
  • Paige Mabe received the Pediatric Award. Presented by the Lillian Duer James family in honor of Dr. William Daniel James, this award goes to the graduate who has maintained and demonstrated a superior ability in nursing of children.
  • Heidi Pitt received the Scotland Health Care System Nursing Service Award. Determined by the vote of the Nursing Director and Nurse Managers, this award is presented by the hospital to the graduate who best meets the criteria of scholastic ability, professionalism, interpersonal relationships and caring attitude.
  • Audrey Norton received the Scotland Health Care System Administration Award. Determined by the vote of the Nursing Director and Nurse Managers, and with the approval of the Hospital Administrator, this award is presented by the hospital administration to the graduate who is most dedicated to caring.
  • Anetta McLeod and Tiffany Gill received the FirstHealth Richmond Memorial Hospital Professional Nursing Awards. Determined by faculty recommendation, this award is given to two graduates who best demonstrate the following characteristics in his or her nursing practice: patient-centered/family-centered approach to care; patient advocate; evidence-based practice; and collaboration with other health care team members and disciplines.
  • Sara Speight received the Joseph W. Grimsley Humanitarian Award. This award is presented by the RichmondCC nursing faculty to the graduate who has consistently demonstrated warmth, caring, and love for mankind in all his or her relationships and associations.
  • Stephanie McGee received the Scholastic Achievement Award. Presented by the Lillian Duer James family in honor of Lillian Duer James, this award goes to the graduate who has maintained the highest grade point average in the nursing curriculum.

ADN Class of 2018 Graduates

  • Meghan Johnson of Biscoe
  • Jordan Allison of Hamlet
  • Christian Dixon of Hamlet
  • Deborah Paige Mabe of Hamlet
  • Audrey Norton of Hamlet
  • Amanda Sewell of Hamlet
  • Carol Conroy of Laurel Hill
  • Andrea Broucek of Laurel Hill
  • Bobbie Lowery of Maxton
  • Audrey Brooks of Rockingham
  • Amanda Covington of Rockingham
  • Tiffany Gill of Rockingham
  • Brittany Keith of Rockingham
  • Stephanie McGee of Rockingham
  • Anetta McLeod of Rockingham
  • Heidi Pitt of Rockingham
  • Elizabeth Sampson of Rockingham
  • Sara Speight of Rockingham
  • Erin Vogel of Rockingham