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RichmondCC to Open Its Lake for Bass Fishing Classic

Apr 5

April 5, 2018 – On Saturday, April 28, the “No Fishing” sign on the lake at Richmond Community College will be removed. The Bass Fishing Classic will be held by the RichmondCC President’s Club at the lake on the college’s main campus in Hamlet from 7 to 11:30 a.m.Photo of the lake on the campus of RichmondCC

The public is invited to enter this fishing tournament, but don’t delay because it is limited to 25 boats or kayaks. There will be a $100 cash prize for the largest bass (most pounds) and $100 cash prize for best group of bass (most pounds, five fish or less).

“This is a great opportunity to come out and enjoy a part of the College we don’t normally get to use,” said Dr. Hal Shuler, Associate Vice President for Development. 

Each boat must have life jackets for each occupant and a throw cushion.

The entry fee is $20 for President’s Club members and $25 for the general public. The entry fee includes lunch after the tournament ends at 11:30 a.m., a goody bag and T-shirt. Folks can also purchase a raffle ticket for $10 for a rod and reel and cooler.

Proceeds from the Bass Fishing Classic support the activities of the President’s Club, which connects alumni and non-alumni to RichmondCC.

Register for the fishing tournament online, or contact Shuler at (910) 410-1807 or email

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