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Photo of Veronica Roberts

Veronica Roberts of Hamlet is the shelter manager at New Horizons Life and Family Services, which is a domestic violence organization located in Richmond County. She is also a 2015 Richmond Community College graduate with an associate degree in Human Services Technology and two certificates in Social Gerontology and At-Risk Youth Technician.

“Richmond Community College provided so many opportunities for me. I was unemployed when I started classes, but through RichmondCC, I was able to gain the skills and tools I needed in the work place,” she said.

While attending college, Roberts received a job offer from New Horizons Life and Family Services as an advocate and has since worked her way up to shelter manager. 

“Everything I deal with and do every day at my job, I was taught at RichmondCC,” she said.

Roberts has plans to continue her education even further.

“I want to continue my path into counseling and perhaps one day manage my own safe house,” she said.

Dropping Out, Starting Over

Roberts started college but then dropped out. But she was determined to go back some day and make it work.

“When I attended RichmondCC my first time, my instructors were John Robich and Cordelia Steele, and I learned a great deal from them and knew that I wasn’t finished with Richmond Community College,” Roberts said.  

Roberts also had a passion for human services work, and she knew she could earn a degree in Human Services Technology from RichmondCC, as well as earn credentials in the meantime that would help her find a job.

Rewarding Experience

Roberts’ experience at RichmondCC was very rewarding. She said it was easy to make connections with the faculty and staff.

“Everyone was always informative and would help out with any question or concern I would have. They never stopped until they found me the answer,” she said.

While attending RichmondCC, Roberts took advantage of the Academic Success Center and said the math and computer lab helped her succeed and give her the extra guidance she needed with a few of her classes. She was also part of the Human Services Club, Student Government Association, Campus Crusade and the Leadership & Mentoring Program (L.A.M.P.). She also served as a Student Ambassador during the 2014-15 academic year.

While starting out at RichmondCC, Roberts had some financial struggles, but she was able to get the funding she needed to finish her program thanks to the financial assistance she received through the College.

Roberts enjoyed attending RichmondCC and said that everyone was so helpful. Lead instructor for Human Services Technology Amanda Faulk kept her going and headed down the right path.

“Ms. Faulk is energetic, understanding and is passionate about her work, and it shows every day in her work,” Roberts said. “I had a great college experience, and RichmondCC has a powerful team. You get the individual attention you need.”

Start College This Fall

RichmondCC is now registering new students for fall semester. For more information on how to enroll and to register for fall classes, visit the Admissions page or call (910) 410-1700.


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