Jun 7
NCCCS Explains President Search Process to Trustees
June 7, 2024 - Dr. Kim Gold, chief of staff for the N.C. Community College System, attended Richmond Community College’s Board of Trustees meeting to walk the board members through the presidential search process.
Last week, Dr. Dale McInnis, president of Richmond Community College, announced his plans to retire this fall semester on Oct. 31.
Gold explained the search and selection procedures outlined by the System Office and the resources that are available to help them in finding the next president to lead RichmondCC.
McInnis also will be working with the Board of Trustees to support its search for the next president and to insure a smooth transition with the change in leadership.
“I will continue to commit my full energy and time to supporting the College and our students every day that I am here,” McInnis said.
The Board of Trustees was also given a final enrollment report for the 2024 Spring Semester. The College experienced an 11 percent increase in full-time student enrollment across all areas of the college (curriculum, occupational extension and basic skills classes) from last spring semester. Total enrollment for the college for the 2024 Spring Semester was 5,376, which elevates the College back to pre-COVID enrollment figures.
The College is also experiencing record enrollment this summer semester with over 1,000 students enrolled in face-to-face or online classes.
The Board also voted yes to a request to grant a posthumous degree to Reva Locklear. Ms. Locklear was a student in the Business Administration program who passed away during her studies at RichmondCC. In conjunction with the business program coordinator and faculty, her family requested of the board to grant her a posthumous degree, which will be awarded during the summer 2024 commencement ceremony on July 26.