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Fire Safety Training

Fire Safety

Richmond Community College is certified by the N.C. Fire and Rescue Commission to teach courses to advance the training of personnel with local fire departments. To sign up, call (910) 410-1700.

Fire Academy

Class Dates: June 4, 2024 - Dec. 14, 2024 | Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 10 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Class Location: Robinette Building, room 106

Fee waived for qualified students.

Upcoming Classes:

  • Sept. 3: TIMS
  • Sept. 5-7: FF EMC
  • Sept. 10-21: FG Ops 6 Ropes/Knots and Search & Rescue
  • Sept. 24 - Oct. 3: FG Ops 7 Water Supply
  • Oct. 5-12: FG Ops 8 Hose, Stream, Appliance
  • Oct. 15-26: FG Rescue Ops 1
  • Oct. 29 - Nov. 7: Mayday/Safety Survival
  • Nov. 9-23: Haz Mat
  • Dec. 3-14: Fire and Life Safety Initiatives

Executive Management for Fire Service Program

The online Fire Service Executive Management program is a unique experience. Fire Service leaders must be versed and trained to deal with specific administrative areas. Fire members are promoted to these positions and may be overwhelmed by the new responsibilities. The Online format allows officers or upcoming fire officers to receive training while not having to miss significant days away from their current jobs. All online classes begin on Monday at 8 a.m. All online classes end on Sunday at 10 p.m.. If you complete any work before the starting Monday at 8 a.m. or after the ending Sunday at 10 p.m.. you will not receive credit for the work. In addition, you must complete ALL requirements and tests. If you do not complete ALL assignments adequately, you will not receive credit for the class. You may register the week before the class begins. All courses will be taught through Moodle. 

Upcoming Class: 

Level I   

  • The White Shirt Transition - TBA
  • Introduction to Management in the Fire Service - TBA
  • Fire Officer's Responsibility - TBA
  • Leadership Skills and Public Speaking -TBA
  • Fire Service Leadership - TBA

Level II  

  • Legal Issues in the Fire Service - Sept. 9, 2024 - Oct. 13, 2024 
  • Fire Service Community Involvement - Oct. 21, 2024  - Nov. 24, 2024 
  • Handling Problems, Conflicts, and Mistakes in the Fire Service - Jan. 6, 2025 - Feb. 9, 2025
  • Fire Service Personnel Problems - Feb. 17, 2025 - March 23, 2025 

Cost: $125 per class

Fee waived for qualified students.

Fire Behavior

Safe and effective fire control requires a basic understanding of the chemical and physical nature of fire. Fire behavior is in essence the foundation of a firefighter’s knowledge of fire science. This knowledge forms the basis for practically all types of operations at the fire scene, from initial attack to determining the origin and cause of the fire.

Upcoming Class: TBA
Fee waived for qualified students.


Less than one half of the nation’s fire loss is due to direct fire. Suffocation or smoke inhalation accounts for the remainder due to either inadequate or ineffective ventilation procedures. Understanding sound ventilation practices is important for preventing structural fire incidents.

Upcoming Class: TBA
Fee waived for qualified students.

Water Supplies

Water is the most common resource for putting out fires. However, water must be brought to the fire. In order to accomplish this, teamwork and knowledge of the necessary equipment used to direct the water are crucial. Only by careful and complete training will the firefighter have the skills required to perform these operations.

Upcoming Class: TBA
Fee waived for qualified students.

For More Information

Call Student Services at (910) 410-1700.

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