Dec 1
RichmondCC Hosts Gang Awareness Training for Law Enforcement
Richmond Community College recently hosted a gang identification class for all local law enforcement agencies in response to an increase in gang activity and violence.
Richmond County Sheriff James Clemmons requested the training after meeting with other high-ranking law enforcement officers, including Hamlet Police Chief Scott Waters, Rockingham Police Chief Billy Kelly and Chief Probation Officer Jason Graham.
“Gang activity and violence is on the rise all across the country, making it increasingly important that our local law enforcement agencies are able to identify the signs and learn from the past experiences of other departments who have already encountered problems that may arise in our communities,” said RichmondCC Director of Public Safety Neil Parrisher. “We were happy to be able to offer this training and very pleased with the attendance in the class.”
Around 120 officers from various local law enforcement agencies attended the two-day training session, which was led by Probation and Parole Field Specialist Russell Jackson of the N.C. Department of Public Safety, who is assigned to the Special Operations and Intelligence Unit in Raleigh.