Oct 12
White Rabbit Catering Team Wins 3rd Annual Clay Shoot
Oct. 12, 2018 – The clay pigeons were flying high over DeWitt’s Outdoors Sports in Ellerbe on Tuesday, and some of the best target shooters around were knocking them down in Richmond Community College’s 3rd Annual Clay Shooting Classic.
Taking first place was the team for White Rabbit Catering, which included shooters Pat Fleming, Giff Fisher, Jim Garrett and Don McKenzie. Taking second place was the team from DeWitt’s Outdoor Sports, comprised of Drew Boone, Bryan Land, Tyler Williams and Chris DeWitt. Third place went to the Tri City team with Barry Embler, Kenneth Robinette, Landon Cowick and Neil Robinette shooting.
Sixteen teams signed up to compete this year on the 14-station course, which also included a “flurry.” The flurry involves four shooters standing at four stations in front of six skeet throwers that send up 50 skeets in two minutes. The goal is to work together to hit all 50 skeets in the “flurry” of skeets flying, guns blazing and shooters reloading.
The White Rabbit Catering team paid to play in a flurry after the shoot and knocked down 49 out of 50 skeets.
“The staff at DeWitt’s Outdoor Sports does a super job in making this a great experience for all who participate, and we thank the many sponsors who helped support this fundraiser for student scholarships, including our corporate sponsors Big Rock Sports, Perdue, Mid South Food Service, White Rabbit Catering, in addition to DeWitt’s,” said Dr. Hal Shuler, Associate Vice President of Development. "The clay sporting course is both challenging and fun, and we had some real good shooters show up and participate. We look forward to next year’s event and hope more people will sign up to compete and enjoy the great food we provide before and after the shoot.”
Several items were raffled off after the shoot, including a shotgun and some hunting paraphernalia.
Mingo Crowley, who was on the team for ECS Southeast, won the grand prize, a Beretta A-300 Outlander 12-gauge shotgun, donated by DeWitt’s Outdoors Sports. Also, participants had a chance to bid on silent auction items including a kingfisher trip and two duck hunts.
The clay shoot netted more than $9,000 for one of RichmondCC’s largest and fastest growing scholarships, the Working Scholarship program. In the four years since its inception, the Working Scholarship has helped offset the cost of tuition and books for more than 450 RichmondCC working students whose income made them ineligible for federal and state financial aid.
“This fundraiser will put more money into the Working Scholarship program, which means we can help more students afford college and achieve their career goals,” Shuler said.