Nov 16
RichmondCC Scholarship Banquet Draws Largest Crowd in the History of the Event
Nov. 16, 2018 – The Richmond Community College Foundation recognized more than 250 scholarship recipients during its annual awards banquet on Thursday at the Cole Auditorium. The recipients were also given the opportunity to meet donors to thank them for their generosity in helping cover the cost of tuition and textbooks.
RichmondCC Foundation President Jim McCaskill opened the program by welcoming everyone to “a grand event.”
“We are here to honor two very important groups of people. Number one are the students who are taking advantage of the educational opportunities here are Richmond Community College, and the other group are the financial donors who help make these scholarships happen and this institution run,” McCaskill said. “These scholarships allow us to give opportunities to students who otherwise might not be able to take advantage of an education at Richmond Community College. We are pleased to be honoring our students and our donors tonight.”
Dr. Dale McInnis, President of RichmondCC, noted the large turnout for the Scholarship Banquet despite the uncommonly cold, rainy weather on Thursday.
“I have been here since 2002 and have been president since 2010. I have never seen this many people here for this event,” McInnis said. “Thank you for being here and for your support because these students cannot do this and cannot succeed without your support.”
McInnis recognized the faculty and staff of the College for their efforts to help RichmondCC’s students achieve success.
“We have tremendous talent among us, and these folks have worked all day, and yet they are out here tonight because they care and support our students,” McInnis added.
Before giving out the scholarships, Dr. Hal Shuler, Associate Vice President of Development, remarked on the seven new scholarships that were added this year.
“I think that is impressive, and it makes a difference in our students’ lives,” Shuler said. “I want to thank all of our donors for your generosity and for the 100-plus scholarships we have. I always say it is not just a donation. It’s making a difference in the lives of so many of our students.”
Shuler read some of the comments that scholarship recipients had made in their thank-you notes to donors. Some of the comments from students included:
- “By receiving your donation, it has helped me get a step closer to following in my dad’s footsteps.”
- “Coming from a disabled single parent, this will help greatly.”
- “I actually got online to drop my classes, but I checked my email first and saw I received a scholarship. I will be forever grateful.”
- “Your generosity has helped take much of the stress off my shoulders.”
- “For the past three years, I was forced to withdraw from two colleges due to academic programs not meeting my needs. RCC and your donation has given me one last chance for that opportunity for a degree.”
- “I am a mother and a wife and I work 40 hours a week to help pay for college. This scholarship goes a long way.”
- “Thank you for believing in me, and one day I am going to pay it forward and be a scholarship donor.