Jun 19
Board of Trustees Approves Budget for Main Campus Renovations
Project Bid Goes to Hoss Contracting
June 19, 2019 – Richmond Community College’s Board of Trustees held a specially called meeting Wednesday to approve the new budget for the planned addition and renovations to main campus in Hamlet and to approve a bid for the construction project.
The board approved the adjusted budget of $6,529,840 for the project and approved to enter into a construction contract with Hoss Contracting of Monroe.
Bids for the main campus addition and renovations were extended as the total number of bidders did not meet state requirements. The project bids came in over-budget, and the College administration worked with the architect to determine areas for changes and cost savings, as well as to increase the overall budget for the project.
“None of the reductions in the budget changed the scope or the concept of either of the two projects. We found ways to save money without sacrificing space or quality for these two projects that are going to have a lasting impact and move the needle for our students,” said Dr. Dale McInnis, president of RichmondCC.
The project includes renovations to the oldest building on campus, the Lee Building, for expanded space for Student Services and the Career & Transfer Center to create a one-stop shop for meeting with counselors about classes, financial aid, veterans benefits, career planning and transfer pathways. The project also includes the addition of a student cafeteria to the Lindsey-Petris Building. Currently, the College provides on-campus meal options through What’s Fore Lunch mobile food services.
McInnis also explained to the board where the additional funds would come from for the increase in the project’s budget. The institutional funds being used for the project will come from activity fees, bookstore revenues and self-supporting revenues that were created when the College had to save money to pay for summer classes. Summer classes are now funded by the state, and money is no longer needed to be set aside for summer semester.
“All funds are allowable for this project and will not affect our operational expenses,” McInnis said. “Having this additional money available is just another benefit of the growth we’ve experienced in enrollment.”
The budget for the project will now be sent to the State Board of N.C. Community Colleges for approval before construction can begin.