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Student Worker Responsibilities

Congrats on Your Federal Work Study Student position!

Here are a few points to remember:

The Federal Work Study (FWS) program gives students an opportunity to earn money while attending Richmond Community College. Every effort is made to match the student with a position that relates to the student’s program of study. The funding for the Federal Work Study program is limited so interested students need to apply early each year.

There are two categories of Federal Work Study positions at RCC. The first is on-campus positions, which include clerical support and faculty assistants and the second category is Community Service Positions. The pay rate for a Federal Work Study student is $15.00 per hour.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

In order to remain employed, all FWS students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) and follow the Student Code of Conduct while in class and the work place.

SAP requires a cumulative GPA of a 2.0 and 67% completion rate. If a students financial aid has been terminated they are not eligible to work.

Work Schedule

There are several benefits of the Federal Work Study Program such as supervisors willing to work around student’s class schedule, gaining valuable work experience, and building references for future employment. Students will arrange a work schedule with their supervisor that will accommodate the needs of the student and the hiring department. Work hours must be during times when you are not scheduled for class. If a class is dismissed early or canceled, you may NOT work during that time. 


It is your responsibility to plan your personal and study schedules in a manner as not to conflict with your regular working hours. One day advance notice is required if you must be out for any reason other than illness. Work schedules, once established, will not be modified unless permanent changes are necessary due to circumstances beyond the individual’s control. If you are absent for more than five (5) days without notifying your supervisor, you will be terminated from the Federal Work Study program. 

Office Etiquette

Some of the jobs on campus will require student employees to answer the telephones; therefore, work-study students should be professional and courteous when assisting others. Staff telephones are not available for use by students for personal calls. Responsible and ethical behavior is expected when accessing a computer for use in your Federal Work Study position. You may want to review the Acceptable use Guidelines as outlined in the RCC catalog.

Cell Phone Use

Cell phones should only be used to make quick important phone calls, such as checking on a sick family member or emergency calls. Any other calls should be made or received on your break. You may not send or receive text messages while working.   

Dress and Appearance

Students have the freedom of choice in dress for class; however, students should come to an agreement with his/her supervisor on appropriate attire during working hours. Please remember you will be representing RCC and may be the first point of contact with the public.


All students should strive to arrive on time and prepared for work.


If you work more than 5 hours, you must take a half-hour lunch break and record it on your timesheet. 

No Class Studies on the Job

Even though this is called work study, it does not mean you can study on your job. Work study jobs are not any different from other jobs. It is a real job and you should treat it that way.


All students MUST sign a Confidentiality Agreement. Any breach of confidentiality or attempt to alter documents in any way will result in dismissal from the Federal Work Study Program. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is a federal law that institutions enforce and abide by to maintain the confidentiality of a student’s record. Student workers should direct inquiries regarding another student’s information to the supervisor.

Changing Jobs

Students are encouraged to remain in the same position for the entire academic year. Periods of short employment may not look favorable to future employers. Federal Work Study is an opportunity to establish a good work record for your resume and obtain future letters of reference. If you are experiencing problems in your work area, you are encouraged to discuss concerns with your supervisor. If conflicts cannot be resolved, please contact the Director of Financial Aid. If you decide to quit your job, you should submit a written letter of resignation with your final date to your supervisor at least two weeks in advance. 


A student cannot work on holidays and weekends without prior written permission from the Financial Aid Office. 

Terminations/Job Release

Should you be terminated, a Termination/Job Release form will be filled out by your supervisor specifying the reason for dismissal.

Payment Method

The award letter lists the maximum amount you are allowed to earn in your Federal Work Study job. You cannot earn more than the award amount during an academic year.

Hours Per Week

Most students can earn their award amount by working 10 to 15 hours per week if they begin working in August. The standard award amount will not exceed $2,500 per year. If there is an additional need, and we have additional funds, you may request an increase in your Federal Work Study award. If you receive a new scholarship or grant, your Federal Work Study award may have to be reduced or canceled.

Format of Timesheet

You must use your Student ID number on your timesheet. Timesheets must be typed by your supervisor and printed. No handwritten timesheet will be accepted. All timesheets are due in the Financial Aid Office by the FIRST DAY of each month unless otherwise requested by the Director of Financial Aid. All timesheets should be accurate and signed by the supervisor. Any timesheet that is not signed will not be processed for payment. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that timesheets are turned in on time with correct signatures. 


You are responsible for submitting your timesheets on the due dates. No phone calls will be made to you or your supervisor to request late timesheets. Late timesheets will be paid at the next pay period. (Example: Timesheet received after 12pm September 9 will be paid on November 30.) Faxed timesheets will not be accepted.

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