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Rocket League Gaming Tournament Big Hit with Local Gamers

Jun 5

June 5, 2018 – Team “Lucid” was the first-place winner in Richmond Community College’s Rocket League Gaming Tournament held Saturday at the Cole Auditorium. Coming in second place was team “DM.”Photo of winning Rocket League Gaming Tournament team

2nd place team in Rocket League Gaming TournamentLucid team members Jordan Lambert, Kade Stewart and Blaine Robson shared in the $250 winning prize, while DM team members Cale Luckey, Douglas McDonald, Alex Yates, Justin Mabe and Mack West shared in the $100 prize for second place.

The Rocket League Gaming Tournament was a fundraiser for the Summer STEM Camps at RichmondCC.

Eight teams faced off in the final rounds of the competition after a month-long Rocket League battle online. Rocket League is a vehicular soccer video game where players use rocket-powered vehicles to hit a ball into their opponent’s goal and score points over the course of a match.

Saturday’s tournament was open to the public for those who wanted to spectate via a live stream of the games, and GameStop provided other games for people to play in a “Gamers’ Room.” Besides video games, there was also a drone flying simulator and instructors on hand for real-life drone flying lessons.The Early College graduates who helped organize the Rocket League Gaming Tournament

“This was the first time we’ve hosted anything like this, and it was a huge success,” said Dr. Hal Shuler, Associate Vice President of Development. “I really want to thank the Early College students who helped make this tournament happen. Yash Patel, Matthew Newton, Braxton Talbert and Jake Michaels were instrumental in making this tournament run smoothly.”

Shuler said his team is already working on details for another gaming tournament to be held sometime in February.